Player Ranked Stats
statsRanked(summonerId, season)
Get the ranked stats of the specified summoner by season. summmonerId
is required. If season
is specified, stats for the given season will be returned.
lol.statsRanked('48641392', 'SEASON2016').then((result) => {
Seasons |
SEASON2014 |
SEASON2015 |
SEASON2016 |
SEASON2017 |
"modifyDate": 1479014998000,
"champions": [
"id": 61,
"stats": {
"totalDeathsPerSession": 74,
"totalSessionsPlayed": 22,
"totalDamageTaken": 328094,
"totalQuadraKills": 0,
"totalTripleKills": 0,
"totalMinionKills": 4191,
"maxChampionsKilled": 14,
"totalDoubleKills": 9,
"totalPhysicalDamageDealt": 361978,
"totalChampionKills": 131,
"totalAssists": 242,
"mostChampionKillsPerSession": 14,
"totalDamageDealt": 3018471,
"totalFirstBlood": 0,
"totalSessionsLost": 13,
"totalSessionsWon": 9,
"totalMagicDamageDealt": 2637227,
"totalGoldEarned": 280082,
"totalPentaKills": 0,
"totalTurretsKilled": 18,
"mostSpellsCast": 0,
"maxNumDeaths": 7,
"totalUnrealKills": 0
"summonerId": 48641392