Getting Started

First thing you should do before you get started using this package is, to get your API key here. Then use something like dotenv to save it as an environment variable and keep it safe.

Note: If you decide to use dotenv make sure to add the .env file to your .gitignore


$ npm i --save leagueoflegends-node-api

Basic Usage

This is a basic example on how to use the API.

Require the package into your project.

const LeagueofLegends = require('leagueoflegends-api');
// or with ES6
import LeagueofLegends from 'leagueoflegends-api';

Create a new instance of the API with your API_KEY and target region.

const lol = new LeagueofLegends(YOUR_API_KEY, 'na');

lol.findSummoner('shp corasan').then((result) =>{ 

Note: All functions return aPromise.


  "shpcorasan": {
    "id": 48641392,
    "name": "SHP CoraSan",
    "profileIconId": 1301,
    "revisionDate": 1477504931000,
    "summonerLevel": 30

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    No results matching ""